

Development of climate sensors and monitoring systems since 2018

Recent publications

Автономный дозиметр своими рукми

RadSensor v1.0: assembling a portable personal dosimeter

Бюджетный термоанемометр своими руками

Hot-wire anemometer: assembling a DIY airflow velocity and temperature sensor

Бюджетный дозиметр своими руками

Civil dosimetry. Do-it-yourself cheap radiation detector

Benefits for partners

Measurement of any available environment parameters

Flexible operational conditions

Any purpose of premises and territories

Own development and component base

Our capabilities

Smart infrastructure

  • monitoring of ventilation, AQI, dust, etc.


  • integration of products into civil facilities, factories and user devices

Smart office

  • integration of devices into the partner’s smart office system
  • office 2.0 – improving the climate in offices by eliminating climate threats


  • analysis of climate impact on business metrics (retail, customer service)


  • development of sensors and electronics for the tasks of a partner

Have a task? Contact us!